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Spine Health

Our spine health program is built from Jennifer’s years of experience working in orthopedic spine surgery. Those who suffer from back pain understand its debilitating nature, with few options for relief. While medication and therapy are the mainstays of treatment, we believe there is a holistic piece missing. Want to recover from back pain and learn how to prevent flare-ups? Want to avoid surgery at all costs? Our spine health program may be for you.

Spine Health Membership $300/month


  • Medical oversight from experienced spine surgery NP
  • Up to 3 medications
  • Back Pain Supplement stack
  • Virtual therapy sessions
  • Behavioral coaching and support
  • No sitting in waiting rooms or missing work
  • Receive care when convenient for you

Cost Savings

  • Traditional Therapy copay $40-$100 per session twice per week
  • Specialty office visit copay $20-$100 per month
  • Medication $60
  • Supplements $100
  • Missed work

Become the Best Version of Yourself at Depth Wellness Collective